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Re: lujvo-making algorithm

la lojbab. cusku di'e

>   a) If there are more than two terms, an initial CVV or CV'V rafsi
>   will fall off and be heard as a separate cmavo.  It must therefore
>   be glued on with the letter 'r', which nominally stands in a
>   syllable by itself.
>     For example sai + zba + ta'u becomes sairzbata'u (syllabized as
>     sai,r,zba,TA'u).  If the initial rafsi is a CV'V, the 'r' may be
>     joined onto the second syllable.  Thus sa'i + zba + ta'u becomes
>     sa'irzbata'u (syllabized as sa,'ir,zba,TA'u).  If the first
>     consonant of the second syllable is an 'r', the gluing 'hyphen'
>     must be the letter 'n', instead of 'r' because doubled consonants
>     are not permitted in Lojban.  Thus sai + rai + ta'u becomes
>     sainraita'u (syllabized as sai,n,rai,TA'u and NOT sain,rai,TA'u).
>     'n' is NOT permitted unless the adjacent 'r' forces it.

I think this description is overprecise.  I have no trouble pronouncing
{sairzbata'u} in four syllables as {sair,zba,TA'u}.  Since "rzb" is a
permissible medial triple, there is no phonological reason to make the
"r" syllabic.

>   d) Put y at any proscribed C/CC joint (e.g. nunydji).  The following
>   are the rules for proscribed triples:
>     The first two consonants of a consonant triple in a Lojban brivla

I think that should read "Lojban lujvo", as we are thinking of placing
greater restrictions on initial consonant triples (which cannot occur in
lujvo anyhow).

John Cowan      cowan@snark.thyrsus.com         ...!uunet!lock60!snark!cowan
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban.