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Re: Eaton: You asked for it ...
Nice to see Jorge left the hardest ones for me :)
#confessional (S) confesionario
Before we can give this a meaningful equivalent, we need a word for "confess"
or "admit". The Shoulson line would be to just use {xusra}, but if you leave
out the {se xusra}, that doesn't tell you much. {zugyxu'a}, perhaps, for
"confess" (you both assert it and feel guilty (zungi) about it). For "admit",
maybe something more like {bilga tugni} or {se bapli tugni}
#generality (G) Allgemeine (S) generalidad
ka kampu, ka sucta
#imprudent (G) unvorsichtig (S) imprudente
dukydarsi, maldarsi, jagdimnynalpei (jalge dimna na pensi --- not considering
#jasmine, jessamine (S) jazmin
#flagrant (S) flagrante (G) offenkundig
filselzga (frili se zgana), sfasynalseljde (sfasa na'e se kajde)
#halo (S) aureola
stedu sruri ke censa gusni cukla
#insufficiency (F) insuffisance (G) Mangelhaftigkeit
ka na'e banzu
#sulk (F) bouder (G) schmollen (S) estar mohino
sivni badri smaji
#intonation (S) entonacio'n (G) Anstimmen
tonga tadji
#parishioner (F) paroissien (G) Gemeindemitglied (S) feligre's
malsi cecmu cmima
#participle (S) participio
gernrpartikipi,o (no way does this get a lujvo)
#roguish, knavish (F) coquin (G) boshaft (S) picaresco
The German means 'malicious'. jikyzeitra? (jikca zekri tarti)
#undefinable (S) indefinible
na'eka'e se satcyskicu
#crossroad(s) (see below)(F) carrefour (G) Scheideweg (S) encrucijada
dargu forca (I think)
#decanter (F) carafe (S) garrafa
botpi most of the time, of course; if we're talking about decanting explicitly,
perhaps {senta botpi}, {senta sepli rinka botpi}
#romanticism (G) Romantik (S) romanticismo
I've translated this as {prami zanru tarti}
#cohesion (F) cohe'sion
ka racli. For the literal meaning, ka simkancmi (simxu ke kansa cmima);
kancmi/cmikansa is what we say of two cohering entities: da kansa de lenu
cmima di .
#crossroad (F) traverse (G) Querstrasse (S) calle transversal
#discouragement (G) Entmutigung (S) desaliento
na'e mukti zukte , but the place structure is going to look funny: z1 z2
m1 m2 m3, when we'd like m3 to be x2. Maybe na'e te mukti zukte: z1 z2 m3
m2 m1 --- X does Y to encourage Z to do W, with Z hoping to get V out of it.
#monosyllable (S) monosilabo
pavyslaka, pavyslakyvla
#centennial (adj) (S) centenario
ctona'a krefu
#embargo (G) Sperre (S) embargo
nu na'e canja kei sfasa, nu na'e te vencu kei sfasa
#nonentity (F) nullite' (G) Null (S) nulidad
na zasti
#set-up (n) (F) miseen sc`ene (G) Szene (S) montaje
No idea. draci ganzu?
#bimetallism (G) Doppelwa:hrung (S) bimetalismo
si'o sicni jinme remei (what an *odd* concept to find a single word for!)
#coat-tail (F) pan (G) Schoss (S) faldo'n
The German literally means "lap", and the French --- skirt, flap. And yet
I don't think there's anything that wrong with {kosta rebla}, given the
definition of {rebla} in the gi'uste.
#[this also could use an entry for the Englishism, possibly only Americanism,
#of "coat-tail effect" for the political effect of a popular party leader
#causing lesser-knowns of the same party to win by aura-extension or whatever
#you wanna call it]
Hm. The expression I'm thinking of has at least six gismu, so I'll leave this.
#(self) starter (F) de'marreur (G) Selbsteintritt
# (S) arranque automa'tico
#[this is the automobile part - this has also become an English idiom
#used to describe a person - a "go-getter", presumably a different Lojban word]
sevzi ke sazri cfari tutci?
#abnegation (G) Ablehnung (S) abnegacio'n
pluka-"refuse". "refuse" is to'e "accept". "accept" is {cpacu tugni}
#optimistic, optimist (F) optimiste (S) optimista
pacna pensi
#mawkish (F) doucereux, mielleux (G) empfindsam
# (S) almibarado, meloso
#monolog(ue) (S) monologo
sevzi tavla
#phosphorus (S) fo'sforo
Se John's Chemical Element list.
#prote'ge (F) prote'ge' (n) (G) Schu:tzling (S) protegido
se kurji cilre
#indorsement (F) endos(sement) (G) Indossament (S) endoso
#(is this "endorsement", these days?)
For its most frequent, figurative meaning, {zanru}. For its literal meaning
(signing the back of cheques), {catni ciska}
#epicure (F) gourmet (G) Feinschmecker
# (S) epicu'reo, sibarita
xamgu citka, cidja certu
#hen coop, chicken coop (F) poulailler (S) gallinero
#[how about "cooped up"]
jipci zdani. "cooped up" is something like {zdani se jimte}
#idealist (S) idealista
sidbo tarti, though that's just a first guess.
#sheepish (F) penaud (G) bescha:mt
# (S) avergonzado, cortado
The German means "ashamed", the French --- "crestfallen". {burna tarti}, I
suppose. Btw, shouldn't "ashamed" be {zungi burna}?
Hope these stimulate some discussion. I *was* supposed to get work done
today, you know...
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