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sprituality; new cmavo

In the latest version of the attitudinal paper as revised by me, I use
the term "secular" as a gloss for "re'ecu'i."  This is probably the best
word to characterize my (stable) feelings on the subject:  I am a "re'ecu'i"
person.  The group of feelings and experiences that other people call
"spiritual" seems not to correspond to anything in me.  Intellectually,
I understand something about the subject; experientially, I am simply
tone-deaf on this point.

I agree that the "-nai" versions of these classifiers are not particularly
well understood as yet, and the English glosses are probably inadequate.
They represent classes of emotions, and the polar opposite of a class
is another class whose relationship to the first class is rather vague.

As for the proposed modifier "re'u" for political emotions, I find it
acceptable on its own, but I wonder if we aren't opening the floodgates:
what about philosophical emotions, say?  pc might have some of those.
There are certainly scientific emotions, like ".uixe'u" = the joy of
confirming a hypothesis.  No doubt a professional ditch-digger would
claim that there are specific ditch-digging emotions quite distinct from
"ro'o".  Hacker emotions are extremely important in the hacker community,
and there are many linguistic forms for expressing them:  "Win, win!"
"Lose, lose!" "Bletch!"  "Weeble..." are a few examples.

Perhaps this is yet another area where we should leave bad enough alone.
I vote ".ienairu'e", with a note that this is yet another area
where experimental cmavo will be useful.

John Cowan              sharing account <lojbab@access.digex.net> for now
                e'osai ko sarji la lojban.