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Re: whiskey lovers

Anticipative aspect is the norm for perfective tense.  I don't know the
Croatian equivalents for  the Russian but using

govorit'  for imperfective talking
skazat'   for perfective saying
   which is the standard Russian pair.

Ya govoryu
I am talking  (imperfective = Lojban ca/ca'a/ca'o

Ya govoril
I was talking (imperfective past = Lojban pu)

Ya budu govorit'
I will be talking (imperfective future - lojban ba)

Ya skazhu
I am about to say (perfective future = anticipative - pu'o

Ya skazal
I have completed saying (perfective past = perfective - ba'o)

Of course Croatian need not be identical to Russian in how it handles 
perfectives, but I thought I had read somewhere that the basic structure
I described above, if not necessarily parallel ways to say it was pretty
standard in the Slavic languages.  Feel free to correect me if I am wrong.
