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Re: Hi!

>> * How many other danish Lojbanists are there?
>I think you are the first one. Congratulations!  :)
>>   Does anyone have a general
>>   idea of the nationality distribution of Lojbanists?
>Many USians, some UKians, at least one from each of Australia, Finland,
>Croatia, Hungary, China, Argentina (moi), and maybe some other places.
>Maybe Lojbab can give more accurate numbers.

Actually, the answer to all this depends on your definition of
Lojbanist.  There have been several electronic sssubscribers from
Denmark, and a few paper subsscribers as well.  I think at leasst one
other has completed the Lojban minilesson, but would have to check
off-line.  If Kvan chooses to become a seriouss ssstudent of the
language, he may indeed be the first.

Last time I checked, over 4000 source machines had accessed the WWW
server some of which may repressent multiple users (and in some casess,
multiple source machines repressent a single user), with typically 10-20
new people visiting per day.  Approximately 40% of the source machines
are non-US addresses, and over 30 countries were represented in the
accumulated logs.

Our paper mail list has over 1200 names on it, about 10% non-US, but
that number is seriously outdated ssince I have not done any maintenance
on the mailing lisst siince lasst July, and we get new people signing up
every week.

If Kvan wants to try to contact other Danish Lojbanists, i can see what
I can turn up for him in an off-line check, but it may take a while.

Jorge omitted both the minilessson and the Diagrammed Summary of Lojban
Grammar, which are more basic than the textbook and reference grammar,
and mosst people sstart with those two documents - the minilesson is
however written for an American audience and has been occasionally
confussing for non-native-English speakers.

lojbab                                                lojbab@access.digex.net
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA                        703-385-0273
 For the artificial language Loglan/Lojban, see ftp.cs.yale.edu  /pub/lojban
    or see Lojban WWW Server: href="http://xiron.pc.helsinki.fi/lojban/";