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Re: Quantifiers (was Re: A modest proposal #2: verdicality)
ucleaar@ucl.ac.uk writes:
> The sage voice of John Cojban admonishes:
> > We're not at a stage where a rewrite is acceptable. This is a stage
> > many new and enthusiastic learners go through. First, however, it's
> > important to learn what has already been defined; it turns out to be
> > more subtle than you expect. (I speak from experience.)
> But once one has learnt what has been defined one learns not that
> radical change would not lead to improvement but that achieving even
> the slightest change constitutes, however great the improvements
> they'd confer, a monumental triumph over the forces of conservatism.
> Advocating grammar change in Lojbania is like advocating gun control
> in the USA; sweet reason neither butters parsnips nor carries the day.
Alas, for the moment my reason is not sweet enough even to mount a
credible fight. With experience will come wisdom.
But do not be so quick to give up hope. Even now, in the dark moment of
despair, I see glimmers of light and rumors of change. The {ke'a}
proposal is gaining momentum and things look promising on the tenses
front. [Not that I've thought carefully enough about tenses to be sure
which change I support--certainly not mine, that's for sure.]
("butters parsnips"?)
> My ambition is to look back in my dotage and tell my grandchildren
> "See that cmavo? It was me that got it into the language"
Ah, foolish youth. With age you will learn to hope instead to _remove_
cmavo from the language.
> (One giant
> leap for man, one small step for mankind), and they'll look on me not
> with pity but with great awe and reverence, thereafter boasting to
> their peers, to general gasps of iacuhi and ianai, mingled with uhe.io,
> "Ti le bahe mibrorpatfu oha oha cu cmavo se fuzme".
A wonderful rant. You won't mind if I pick one nit, will you? {patfu}
should not be used metaphorically for "author, creator". Perhaps
{dzena} (ancestor, elder) or {rirni} (caregiver) would be appropriate in
a metaphor.
(And yes, I know I've been using {cmugau patfu} for "Founding Fathers."
Umm... Jorge started it?)
mu'o mi'e. dilyn.