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Re: conceptually related gismu

I agree that thesaurus-like classifications are troublesome for Lojban.
The concept was not desisgned for a predicate language, but for a "word"
language.  In general thhe classifications are thus based on the x1 of the
predicate.  It should be possible to extend the Roget-like work to
all places of all predicates and you would come closer to an accurtae
thesaurus of Lojban, but no one hhas ttackled this.  I don;t think the
thesaurus work is too strongly based on the English keyowrds so myuchh as
it is on the x1-to-predicate relationship in whatever language, though of
course Athelstan's early work was spotty in this because the keywords have
been more stable than the poace structures for some words.
