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Re: quantified variables - beginers question


>         ro lo prenu goi ko'a cu prami ko'a
>         Every person loves all persons.

{ro lo prenu goi ko'a} parses as {ro (lo prenu goi ko'a)},
not as {(ro lo prenu) goi ko'a}. So I belive {ko'a} becomes
{lo prenu}, not {ro lo prenu}, and the whole sentense is
equal to {ro lo prenu co prami lo prenu} expect that the
second {lo prenu} refers to the same person as the first.

Does it make sense?

co'o mi'e. kir.

Cyril Slobin <slobin@fe.msk.ru> `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said,
<http://www.fe.msk.ru/~slobin/> `it means just what I choose it to mean'