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Re: Some comments to mark,l
coi do
> > No one besides us wacky Americans would ever need succinct compounds for
> > math test (cmaci, mathematics, no short rafsi),
> English does not need a compound and does just fine. Croatian, my native
> language, requires the phrase "ispit iz matematike" (8 syllables, gets
> one more in declension)
I think it is important to keep in mind that it is not necessary to lujvo-ise
everything in sight. A succinct tanru is as useful as a compacted lujvo, in
fact I would say the tanru would be clearer in many circumstances. I don't
think that having compounds which are, say, 2 syllables instead of 4 is that
significant to a language.
> > flyswatter
> I
> don't even think we have the word for it, though we have it at home. We
> just never speak about it.
Is there a culture taboo to talking about flies? ;-)
> > hour-long (cacra, hour, no short rafsi),
> just
> {cacra} (2). I am satisfied.
Yep, that spot on.
> > tin can
> Is "tin can" an idiom in English, or is it really important to impart to
> your listeners that the can in question is made from tin? Most of them
> are, anyway, so it is not much of an information. I have never yet been
> in a situation where I would have to explicate the material of a can, and
> if I ever am I would gladly use tanru.
Yes, "tin can" is idiomatic. The fact is that tin is too expensive to make
tins with, so they are actually steel coated with a layer of tin. Tin is
what I would in English. "tinci sefta gaste lante" (tin surfaced steel can - I
haven't got my gi'uste handy) would be definitive.
> > high tide
> Again, why bother with lujvo? English doesn't have one word, and English
> has the biggest vocabulary in the world, I think, or at least very close
> to that. Why in the world would you want one word for expressing high tide?
> By the way, high tide is not something I would use ctaru for at all:
> {lo xamsi sefta cu galtu}. ctaru describes the process of rising and
> falling of the level of the water, and I am unable to see how to get to
> the individual parts of that process using that word.
I would use "galjimte ctaru" (high-limit tide), I think that "ctaru" is needed
to express what is making the sea move.
> > car seat
> Here you might have a point, if you insist on having lujvo. tanru works
> good for me here.
> > salt pan
> That I don't even know what it means is a rather good assessment of the
> frequency of usage. I know that this sounds egocentrical, but I wouldn't
> be boasting to say that I read more English books than most
> English-speaking folk. I have never encountred 'salt pan'. Could you,
> please, tell me what it is?
Yep, I've never salt pan either.
> > flagpole
> Another word I can't find Croatian equivalent for. How often do you use
> it? Could you give me a context for example?
"lanci kamju" (flag column), you know, the big white stick that supports a
flag ;-)
I think that it is important not to get obsessed with super-short compounds
lojban works without the need to go overboard.
co'o mi'e dn.