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Re: lujvo query

> Is there a jvajvo principle that says that in {broda zei cmoda},
> b1 = c1?

The two most common place structures for {broda zei cmoda} probably are:

(1)     c1=b1 c2 c3 ... b2 b3 ...
(2)     c1 (c2=b1) c3 c4 ... b2 b3 ...

The places shown in parenthesis are anihilated. The b1-place in (2)
may anihilate a higher c-place instead of c2, but c2 is the most
common. b2, b3, etc often fall together with some of the other c-places,
sometimes anihilating it and sometimes not. Sometimes a b-place may
show up on its own before some of the c-places, especially if cmoda
has places like "by standard", or "under conditions".

(Things like brodygau, with places g1 b1 b2 b3 ... are really special
cases of (2). The form brodygau has the places of nunbrodygau, and
the nun- is dropped for succintness.)
