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Re: from the paper archives - pc on abstractors and tense
> Activities (and states) are atelic; accomplishments and achievements are
> telic. Telicity means having intrinsic boundaries rather than extrinsically
> imposed boundaries. The semantics of boundaries is not confined to
> situations.
Does telicity have to do with _having_ intrinsic boundaries or
_constituting_ an intrinsic boundary? I would have said that events
that correspond to a change of state would constitute an important
class (to die, to become, to cease, to make, to kill, to (come to)
understand, etc.)
More or less related: does {jimpe} mean being in a state of understanding
something, or does it mean to come to understand something? "Understand"
can have both meanings in English. Does {mi ba'o jimpe} mean that I no
longer understand or that I've already understood something?