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Re: TECH: lambda and "ka" revisited

mi cusku di'e

> >However, the gismu "fasnu" is true only of such event abstract objects
> >as actually occur.

la stivn. cusku di'e

> How does that fit in with the notion that unmarked bridi may be either
> "ca'a" or "ka'e" or "nu'o"?


	ca'a fasnu		x1 actually happens
	ka'e fasnu		x1 could possibly happen
	nu'o fasnu		x1 could happen but has not
	pu'i fasnu		x1 can and has happened

with appropriate changes for tense.  But in any event, something can
be "nu ... kei" without "ca'a fasnu", and probably even without "ka'e fasnu",
being true of it.

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.