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coi la xorxes
Good to see you posting again. Hope you will return to your previous
massive output.

>"Only" and "except" seem to be more basic, "only" giving the
>only one that does, and "except" the only one that doesn't.
>"Not only" and "even" seem to also have an element of unexpectedness
>together with the basic meaning of "in addition to others".
>Does anyone have a theory for how to handle those in Lojban?

Could we use <vlina> and <kanxe>?

da <kanxe> na [vector] [scalar] <=> "only"
da <kanxe> [vector] na [scalar] <=> "except"
da <vlina> [vector] na [scalar] <=> "not only"

Can't quite get how these are supposed to work, but they seem kind of like
NAND and NOR gates. I'm not sure if this allows us to work at the two
levels of claims that we need to say these things. We could express the
surprise element of "even" with an attitudinal, no?

cohomihe .la stivn

Steven M. Belknap, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Medicine
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria

email: sbelknap@uic.edu
Voice: 309/671-3403
Fax:   309/671-8413