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Re: GEN: almost-PROPOSAL: intervals

> >  lenu mi pu klama la glazgov. cu temci lo cabna lo nanca belipimu
> >when I can say
> >  mi klama la glazgov. puxe'i lo nanca belipimu
> >or
> >mi klama la glazgov. puza lo nanca belipimu
> How about
> mi klama la glazgov. ca[ki] lo nanca belipimu purci

I go to Glasgow at the time of a .5-year type of past event

It can mean that I went to Glasgow when I went to the first semester
of my fifth grade in elementary school, since it was around half a
year long and happened in the past. No go.

> without going into aracnaities like
> ca'o le  puzi nanca belipimu

during the close-past .5-year

This can, on the other hand, mean that I went to Glasgow a week ago,
since that was also during a recent half-year. No go.

Something in that line almost works, though:

... co'a le puzi nanca belipimu

But I find it clumsy. Less so than using temci, but also less precise.
But, my point is that I believe the tense system to be very balanced,
very harmonious, except for this gap. This should be expressible with a
simple (i.e. basic) imaginary journeys mechanism.

Please read my post on veion's non-proposal.

co'o mi'e. goran.