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Re: PLI: "except"

> How about a new lujvo for "only", like {pavgri} (from pamei girzu) or
> {pavykai} or something, with the structure "x1 is the only thing with
> quality (ka) x2".
>   ko'a krici ledu'u la djan. pavgri leka klama
>   She believes that John is a singleton-of-things-sharing-the-quality-of going
> or just
>   ko'a krici ledu'u la djan. klama pavgri
>   She believes that John is a goer type of only-thing
> Your second sentence could be:
>   la djan. pavgri leka ko'a krici ledu'u ke'akau klama
>   John's the only one who has the quality that she believes
>      that he goes.

You don't need the {kau} there.

It's a nice idea. I'd just change x1 to a set "x1 is the set of all
things that have the property x2". This is because under your
definition, {Alis e Bil pavgri leka kea nelci ti} and {le prenu
pavgri leka kea nelci ti} mean that Alis is the same individual as
Bil, and that every individual referred to by {le prenu} is the
same. This would be solved by rephrasing them as {Alis ce Bil
pavgri leka kea nelci ti} and {le,i prenu pavgri leka kea nelci ti}.

>  Fuck Censorship!

That's hilarious. That's my all-time favourite sig.

coo, mie And