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delayed response on YACC LR(k) discussion - from Jeff Prothero
A debate a couple of months ago on Lojban as an LR(k) language led me to
pass the discussion on to Jeff Prothero, who helped do the original
Loglan parser, and who has been most helpful as a founder of the Lojban
effort even though he is not reading Lojban List.
Here are his comments. I don't have the theory to add my two cents in.
>From: jsp@betz.biostr.washington.edu (Jeff Prothero)
>*laugh*! I'm not qualified. But then, Feynman claimed to be ignorant.
>(Read "No Ordinary Genius" last night, and cried more than I had in some
>time. Yup, I'm weird.)
>| There's a stronger result: any deterministic
>| context-free language with the prefix property
>| (i.e. no string of the language is a prefix of any
>| other string of the same language) has an LR(0)
>| grammar.
>Well, for starters, Lojban almost certainly doesn't have the prefix
>property -- it is chock full of
> A connective B
>forms where A is a valid statement by itself. No?
>| The subset of Lojban where all utterances finish
>| in an explicit FA'O presents the prefix property,
>| hence it has an LR(0) grammar.
>Ok, I'll believe this establishes the property. Would make all the
>one-word statements in the language into two-word ones, and feel pretty
>clumsy, of course :)
>| I think this line of reasoning can be followed to
>| prove that all deterministic context-free
>| languages *are* LALR(1). However, I wish to point
>| out that this is not a panacea. The LR(0) grammar
>| assured by this theorem may reflect a syntax
>| structure that is entirely different from the
>| current grammar.
>Okie, I'm not a math type, nor am I following formal languages or Lojban
>these days. But here's one way of looking at what is going on.
>Section I -- LALR(0) grammars as a programming language -- math take
>The LALR(0) grammar compiles into a big table with transitions between
>the states driven by the symbol currently being examined. This means
>1) You have conditional execution -- you can have
> the state machine do different things based on
> different situations.
>2) You have an arbitrary-size statevector: You
> can always add one more bit to the statevector
> just by doubling the number of states.
>By making appropriate transitions between states, you can implement
>arbitrary changes to the statevector. Intuitively, I think you can
>write arbitrary programs which have N-bits of global variables, for some
>fixed-at-compiletime N: We could likely write a program which converted
>an arbitrary Pascal program using only global variables into an LALR()
>I'm not quite sure that this is true; However, it is reasonably clear
>that we can store arbitrary (but fixed-in-advance) amounts of
>information in the state machine statevector (in the form of the pointer
>to the current state). Hence, any time we have a decision which
>requires LR(k) lookahead for some fixed K, we can just defer the
>decision and keep shifting, storing the K symbols in our statevector,
>until we get to the point where we can make the decision.
>That's handwaving, not mathematically tight argument, of course, but I
>think it perhaps explains why the cited result might be true. (I'm
>certainly not inclined to doubt Knuth's math!)
>Section II -- LALR(0) grammars as a programming language -- engineering take
>| From a practical point of view, the "hacked" YACC
>| grammar is more or less fine (some more comments
>| would make it easier to read). But we assert that
>| Lojban is unambiguous and that it can be
>| reasonably well described by a context-free
>| grammar; hence, it *should* be possible to show an
>| LR(1) grammar for it
>Well, we may need to make a transition from mathematics to engineering
>here :). Suppose our alphabet has 128 symbols, and we have an LR(k)
>grammar where k==5. This means that storing a that lookahead into the
>state vector will involve storing 7x5==35 bits. Storing each additional
>bit requires doubling the number of grammatical rules involved in the
>particular construct: For example, if we want to remember whether we're
>in a passive or active construction when parsing an infix ruleset, we'll
>have to make two copies of all the rules in that ruleset, probably
>calling them ACTIVE_XXX and PASSIVE_XXX.
>I'm sure you've done this kind of thing often enough to recognize the
>procedure, lojbab :). Analytically, what you're doing can be thought of
>as declaring and using a one-bit local variable in that part of the
>parsing "code".
>So, adding our 35 bits of state will require multiplying the number of
>rules in that part of the grammar by 2^35, or roughly 32 trillion.
>Mathematically, multiplying the number of rules in a given part of the
>Lojban grammar by 32 trillion is of course entirely trivial: It was
>finite before and it's finite now, and it will work quite nicely.
>>From an engineering point of view, equally obviously, casually
>multiplying the number of rules in some part of the grammar by 32
>trillion is a decidedly nontrivial change: It increases the disk space
>needed to store it from kilobytes to terabytes, for starters, and
>similarly the amount of ram required to store the state machine, and the
>amount of net bandwidth to download the thing.
>Exponential growth can be quite stunning :)
>| Finally, I don't see why Lojbab's afraid of trying
>| to find such a grammar, as its equivalence (in the
>| sense of generating the same language) to the
>| current YACC grammar should be a stated in the
>| form of a *theorem*, not a gratuitous assertion.
>| (I don't think the proof would be longer than that
>| of Fermat's last theorem, or the four-color
>| theorem for planar graphs :-)
>Admitting the point, I think -- since the four-color proof was too long
>for a human to comprehend, and required a lot of computer time just to
>generate and check. And I'm not sure there was any element of
>exponential explosion in there, just a lot of cases to consider. A
>Lojban grammar too long for any human to read might be cute, but would
>it be useful? :)
>LALR(1) grammars may be able to express arbitrary Fortran programs, but
>I think it is clear that for most programs, most of the time, they are
>an exceedingly opaque way of describing the computation. They express a
>very restricted class of computations in a very clean fashion, at the
>price of being obscenely ill-suited to describing computations outside
>that domain.
>IMHO, a significant fraction of the Lojban grammar lies outside that
>domain, is much more perspicuously described by other computational
>paradigms, and the current Lojban grammatical description quite properly
>and pragmatically uses non-LALR descriptions for those parts. (I'm
>thinking in particular of various sorts of canonicalization and
>grammatical "noise" filtering which at least used to be done before
>turning the LALR(1) machine proper loose on the input.)
>Section III -- LALR(0) grammars as a programming language -- intuitive take
>| any deterministic context-free language with the
>| prefix property (i.e. no string of the language is
>| a prefix of any other string of the same language)
>| has an LR(0) grammar.
>As with many mathematical statements, the naive intuitive reading may be
>more impressive than the actuality :)
>I remember my formal languages class pointing out:
>-> A finite state machine can recognize a language
> consisting of any number k of 'I's. But it can't
> recognize a language consisting of k 'I's followed
> by k 'J's. (E.g., a paren-matching problem.)
>-> A finite state machine with one stack (our
> LALR() grammars, in essence) Can recognize k
> 'I's followed by k 'J's (the paren-matching problem)
> but cannot recognize k 'I's followed by k 'J's
> followed by k 'K's (a counting problem).
>-> A finite state machine with two stacks (a
> universal turing machine -- two stacks equal
> one infinite tape) can solve the counting
> problem, and anything else we know how to
> solve.
>(Penrose thinks quantum effects power intuition, and allow super-Turing
>results. I think this extremely dubious. But quantum effects may
>possibly reduce the "computational complexity" of some sorts of
>computations: The recent work on quantum factoring of integers is
>strongly suggestive.)
>The counting problem demonstrates that there are quite trivial languages
>which are not LALR(k) for any k.
>It also seems likely to me that some Lojban constructions are not
>LALR(k) for any k, meaning that Knuth's above-cited proof may not apply
>anyhow: Don't we sometimes need to "see over" a parenthetical comment
>or such which may be of unlimited length, before deciding which
>reduction to take (reduce/reduce ambiguity) or whether to reduce
>(shift/reduce ambiguity)? The preprocessing hacks have no trouble
>stripping out an arbitrarily long interpolation, since they are written
>in a Turing-universal language, but it is not clear to me that these
>parts of the grammatical description can be expressed in pure pushdown
>form, even in "principle".
>"Principle" is a funny thing, of course. For example, we could argue
>that nobody has ever made a grammatical statement of more than 10^1000
>words, and nobody ever will, hence the set of strings described "in
>principle" by any human language is in fact finite, not infinite, and we
>don't even need LALR(0)-strong mechanisms to recognize human languages,
>include Lojban: simple state machines / regular expressions simply
>listing all acceptable strings in the language are in fact
>mathematically perfectly sufficient to describe them.
>We avoid taking this approach not because it is mathematically unsound,
>but because it is unhelpful and unperspicuous -- explicit effectively
>infinite lists of strings aren't good ways of describing languages in
>practice, even if they suffice in principle.
>I think we similarly avoid LALR(0) descriptions of Lojban not because
>they are mathematically unsound or impossible, but because they would be
>unhelpful and unperspicuous -- explicit effectively infinite lists of
>grammatical rules aren't good ways of describing languages in practice,
>even if they suffice in principle.
> :)
> Cynbe