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Re: xelfanva and comments

la kris. cusku di'e

> I thought I
> remembered someone saying that {gi'e} always works on the top level of the
> sentence; i.e. that you couldn't have  {lenu x gi'e y kei} because gi'e
> would automatically pop you out of the lenu clause.  Did I misunderstand?

I think you did.  "gi'e" works at the bridi level and will pop out of a
description, but not out of a subordinate (abstract or relative) bridi.

> How does {le teno'a} work inside a termset -- the outer bridi has several
> x3's, one
> per termset; does it refer to the one inside the termset where {teno'a} is
> used?  What if {le teno'a} were used outside a termset?

A fine question, to which I have no answer, and I doubt if anyone else
has one either.
John Cowan						cowan@ccil.org
			e'osai ko sarji la lojban