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Re: kamkuspe

la stivn cusku di'e

>  Is there some slick way that I can say:
>"The paint is fuzzily 2 of 5, where 0/5 is red and 5/5 is yellow."

How about:

  le cinta cu klani li ji'irefi'umu le kamxunre bi'o le kampelxu
  The paint is approximately 2/5 on the ordered interval from red to yellow.

>I am wondering about the fraction or slash cmavo. Is there an official
>position on whether this cmavo means division? Or can it mean 2 of 5 as I
>used above? & and lojbab seemed to disagree on this point.

I don't see the difference. I would understand it in the same way if you
say that the paint is 0.4 on the interval that goes from red to yellow.
