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re "except" etc.

Cripies!  Will you all please get with the program.  This is the
LOGICal language!  when a question comes up, look at what logic
does FIRST.  Logic has been dealing with "only" and "except" (and
their correspondents in most European and not a few Eastern
languages) for a couple of millennia.  There may be an English
trick or two that will take some work, but the basics should be
available and YOU SHOULD USE THEM.  They are usually on a
later page of the translation section than "all" (which I know you
skipped) but before the real horrors, like "seventy-seven."

Yes, "only" is in quantifiers and "except" is right close to it (indeed
often in the same place, since "only" and "none except" turn out to
be about the same thing).  And had it right from about the
beginning and could have given you short forms, if he (or any of
us) only (another sense) knew which of the _ro (lo) broda_ forms
were which.  The thought that it was a predicate (one that contains
a quatifier yet) is just perverse in a logical -- or lojbanical --

"Even" does involve something more and the analysis on that is pretty
good.  A check in McCawley might be in order for some more details and
even that would not give a clear- cut solution to the question of what to
do in Lojban.
pc>|83 (passing thru and catching up)