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BOOK: good news and bad news

Well, I'm pleased to say that we have finally topped 100 paid sales of
the Lojban reference grammar - THe Complete Lojban Language, also known
colloquially in this mailing list as the Book %^).  This is in spite of having
around 40 book orders promised in my early September poll of the list, as
yet lacking payment.  I hope I hear from those of you who spoke up earlier.

The bad news is that the printer called to day and reported that the bindery
will be taking longer than they told me last month to bind and ship the books.
I am not sure whether the printer or the bindery or both screwed up, but in
any event, they are now saying that the books will be done either on 12 Nov
or 19 November.  Being a pessimist on matters pertaining to the book, I am
compelled to assume the latter, which is almost a month later than the
printer originally had promised.

The bottom line is that those of you who have ordered will receive the books
a little later, and given the vagaries of the mail system and the holiday
season, those of you who are overseas especially should not expect to
receive your copy before the new year unless you have ordered air mail.  We
are set up to mail out the copies pre ordered fairly quickly once we get them
in, thanks to assistance from Dave Barton, but we do need to get the books

On the other hand, the delay in getting the books is a delay before we have
to pay off the printer, and more chance to get advance sales to offset that

Therefore, I am extending the date by which advance payment orders must be
received until 30 November 1997 in order to qualify for the $35 advance sale
price.  From 1 December until 31 May then, the price will be $39 for a
direct order.  The cover price is $48, and I have confirmation that the
Internet bookseller www.amazon.com is selling the book at that price (they
ordered a copy).  Amazon does have an overseas shipping rate that is better
than we have come up with for bulk air mail, and they can more easily
handle credit card orders via the Internet, so they are perhaps a viable
alternate way to order the book for some overseas people especially
if you wish to get the book quickly at an overseas location.

Shipping costs for orders from us remain as follows:
        Within the U.S.                         US$5
        Canada and Mexico                       US$6
        All other countries (surface mail)      US$10
        All other countries (airmail)           US$22
in addition to the $35 pre-order book price.
VA residents need to add 4.5% sales tax, which is $1.58 on a single copy
at the preorder price.

I still have yet to mail written notice of publication to LLGs extensive
mailing list - which I have not maintained during the book publishing era,
making it a real mess that I am still cleaning up.  We intend that people
on our mailing list will get approximately 1 month from our date of mailing
to purchase the books at the preorder price, even if that pushes the date
beyond 30 November.

So far, only 6 or the 100 orders have specified that they would like the
author to autograph their copy.  WE are offering this to people preordering,
with a likely delay of no more than a month in when you receive your copy
(but there will be a delay for autographed copies).  There is no extra
charge for an autographed copy provided that you are willing to wait.

(If you are not sure whether you asked for an autographed copy and wish to
make sure your copy is autographed, be sure to email me soon.)

lojbab                                                lojbab@access.digex.net
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA                        703-385-0273
Artificial language Loglan/Lojban: ftp.access.digex.net /pub/access/lojbab
    or see Lojban WWW Server: href="http://xiron.pc.helsinki.fi/lojban/";
    Order _The Complete Lojban Language_ - see our Web pages or ask me.