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Re: Events & sisku [was: le/lo]
la djan spuda di'e la and
>Well, actually, "prenu" can mean "is potentially a person"; specifically,
>that is "ka'e prenu", but the absence of "ka'e" does not necessary
>entail "ca'a", although "ca'a" is often the sensible default.
But what kind of thing is "potentially a person"? Are we talking about
embryos and the like, or are we talking about abstractions?
For example, I could say "I need someone with six hands to do
this job". Is {lo mi se nitcu} a {ka'e prenu}? Because that is what
we are doing to events. Events that happen, like persons, are
objects that endure in space time. Does {ka'e} allow us to include
things that don't have endurance in space-time?
co'o mi'e xorxes