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Re: Indirect questions

>>I think "danfu" is very broad; the x1 or the x2 could be a person
>>as well.
>Could you give an example? I can't imagine a person as
>an answer, and even less as a question. I hope you're
>not suggesting something like *{mi danfu le fonxa}!

la .iv. cu danfu la .adam. zo'o

More seriously

le skami certu cu danfu lenu le skamu cu broda

If the problem is an event, then the solution can be a thing or an event or
a person.  There may be an embedded sumti-raising here, but I'll admit that
I am not sure that you need a specific event to necessarily specify a
solution to a problem that is somewhat non-specific.

If the problem is the asking of a question, then the solution is lik
ely to
be the giving of an answer (an event).  If the problem is the question itself,
then the answer to the question is the normal x1 for danfu.  But ther
e could
be an event in x1 anyway, as somne events may render the question moot.

lenu lemi bersa cu vimcybevri le festi cu danfu lu ma bazi vimcu le fes
ti li'u
My son removing the garbage is an answer to "Who is going to (right now)
remove the garbage?"

I can imagine mi terspuda le fonxa easily
(and I  amend by immediate prior post by using terspuda instead of spuda
in altenration to danfu).

On has to be a bit metaphorical to say that a person is an answer to the problem
a problem
that is only described as "the phone".  It works, but I think primarily

because of the looseness of "le".  Better would be  mi danfu tu'a le fonxa
which leaves open lots of play as to exactly which problem involving the phone
is the one which "I" answer.

lojbab                                                lojbab@access.digex.net
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
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