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Re: TECH: only, {me} place structure

OK.  Reading briefly over what you wrote, John.  I think that srana, or some
other similar gismu, had an x3 place that was the relationship by which x1
is related to x2.  I'll have to scan further, or maybe it got deleted from
srana sometime not too long ago.

On only, Colin.  I think it is NOT that "only" has many different phrasings
in Lojban that makes it a problem (although this might be true), and likewise
"just", "even", "still", but it is that almost always the phrasings in
Lojban are long, and somewhat metalinguistically tangled.  The reason I
feel a need for a Zipfeanly short form is that in both of my current languages,
English AND Russian, these types of words are expressed briefly and stuck in
almost as easily into a text as we stick in our attitudinals and discursives.
My kids use the Russian words "tol'ko" and "yishcho" and "uzhe" (already)
in a high percentage of their sentences, as do I, it seems.  The meanings
have some semantic spread, but not all that much.
