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Re: A (Lame) Joke in Loglan

la nitcion. cusku di'e

> To quote Filthy (or was it Rich or Claptrap?) from the BBC comedy series
> of the same names, "I got it; I just didn't think it was funny." {ditka
> ditca}'s alliteration is the only punchline you'll get out of this.

By George, I do believe he's got it.  (Mut[ilat]ed Shaw.)

> I don't know what {denlingau} is about (braces?),

Certainly possible; I was completely clueless.  The Institute is notorious
for desperately bad lujvo.

> and {galctu}, for either professor or high school teacher, is... well.
> Liberal, shall I say...

Institute Loglan has {banli}, but it doesn't have {nobli}, which might be
the right thing here.  Or does {nolctu} mean "Distinguished Professor"?

> Nick, wondering whether his Lojban analyser should implement database
> queries...

ki'oroi go'i

John Cowan      cowan@snark.thyrsus.com         ...!uunet!lock60!snark!cowan
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban.