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TECH: only; scalar negation of numbers

In one of my postings during the discussion of "only" last month, I suggested
that some of the non-specific numbers (so'a, du'e, etc.) might better be
seen as degrees along the scalar axis in selma'o NAhE, and that if these
were moved to NAhE, AND if scalar negation of numbers were possible, that
the result might solve some "only" problems as well as increase expressive
possibilites for the language.

The idea met with resopunding silence.  Does this mean it is dead? No interest,
or that people din't understand it, or that John needs to report on what the
 ggrammatical implications are before people can really consider it (or all of
 the above, or none ...)

The related question probably still is whether scalar negation of numbers is
allowed and/or desirable   (A goat is belegged by other-than-four legs???
I have to admit that I'm not sure what the polar opposite of 4, is though %^)
