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BTW lujvo wanted

Having gotten a major milestone in passing Lojban to a new generation
(my kids have told us about teaching their friends at school "go'i" and
"nago'i" for yes and no, which kids are apparenntly now using them on
occassion!!!), my kids launched one of their occassional "what is the word
for ..." drills.  usually their requests are translatable as gismu or simple
ad hoc creations, but I couldn;t give a quick answer on one question, and
they have now seized upon this as theri latest "lets rib daddy" activity.

At any rate - can the community - in a good hurry - come up with some good
lujvo for  "underwear", and for the common individual items that comprise
same (at least the children's varieties).

There has been considered such usages as "inside-clothes" (as better than
"below clothes", since theunderclothes are no closer to the nadir than any
other clothes), "skin-clothes", "covered (se gacri) clothes".  Any other
suggestions?  Any preferences?  These are common words, and the question
has come up many times before, so we oughta be able to come up with an answer
that stretches beyond poor lojbab's feeble imagination and limited Lojban

But please hurry, while my kids still think their dad is the world's expert
on everything, especially Lojban %^)
