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Re: Analogy

la lojbab. cusku di'e

> Note when you explain the "ro finpe cu broda pa finpe" being 'equivalent;
> to "roda pade zo'u  ... that this is an approximate transformation, since
> it assumes that the fish in question actually exist.  I've just been
> making a big deal in this discussion that "ro finpe" is ro lo finpe,
> which is not necessarily roda poi finpe.

Not at all; this is a confusion.  It isn't the presence of a da-series
variable that carries the implicit existential quantification; it's the
implicit "su'o" understood before bare "da".  If you explicitly say "ro da",
that is a universal quantification which does not imply existence.  So:

1)	ro da poi broda cu brode
	all things which are widgets are gilkickies

2)	ro da poi broda zo'u da brode
	for all Xs, where X is a widget, X is a gilkickie

3)	ro broda cu brode
	all widgets are gilkickies

are strictly equivalent in meaning, and imply nothing about the existence
of widgets.

John Cowan		sharing account <lojbab@access.digex.net> for now
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.