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Re: coi (& tensors, in English, readable :))

> > .i .ibu ji'a xarfiknei nunpe'i .i ri brarai fo loi go'i .i .ibu pe le
> > cabna'a cu stuzi la glazgob. pe la sunko'orgu'e .i ba'a lo su'omuki'omei
> > cu zvati .i .ibu detri li 8;95
> i mi nelci le nu tcidu le'e xarfi'a  i ku'i mi noroi zvati lo xarfiknei
> nunpe'i  i ma fasnu fau lo nunpe'i  i xu vecnu loi xarfi'a cukta
> i ji'a mo

.i li'i tcecmila .i nu vecnu lo cukta .i nu catlu lo skina .i nu skami
kelci .i nu jundi lo ctununta'a .i li'i sorpendo .i li'i tcecmila .i fau
la ibu. la'edi'u selmau

> > Syntax, as I see it, looks a lot like FAhA,
> > though the meaning is something completely different. Not like BAI.
> It can't very well be a FAhA. For one, those are space tenses only,
> but more importantly, te'i wouldn't have anything to do as a tense
> (selbri tcita), the magnitude of displacement there is shown by VAs
> and ZIs. I don't see in what way it could be said to have FAhA grammar,
> because te'i wouldn't form compound tenses happily.

> I suppose one could make a special selmaho for it, but that's not very
> appealing.

Yes, you're right.

> I much prefer to use for distances the ones we already have
> to show indefinite distances (but maybe I already mentioned that :).

I think I remember saying something like that... :)

> Jorge

co'o mi'e. goran.
.sig under construction. Read with your helmet on.