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Re: Politics

> (Indeed in Jorge's
>comment the other day supporting discussions of changes taking place in Lojban,
>he used a ke'a that I THINK was legit, but the sheer fact that he has so
>lodly advocated the alternative caused me to look several times over the
>sentence to make sure that it wasnt the other kind of ke'a - with the
>result that I gave up understanding the sentence because I couldn't keep it
>all in my head at once whil;e doing such analysis.)

i mi xenru le du'u tu'a mi rinka le nu cfipu i e'u ca le balvi do sruma
le du'u mi pilno zo ke'a ta'i le du'u do jimpe makau i va'o le nu mi
na co'e cu gendra ji'a  i e'e do smadi lo paroi smuni i la'a do drani

>  I am
>also reasonably sure that Jorge at the very least will ask that it be an
>agenda item for the next Logfest,a nd that the issue will be formally or
>informally disucssed in a forum that includes the most "noisy" of the
>status-quo proponents.

i la'anai mi ba ka'e zvati la logfest poi bavlamji iku'i va'o le nu
mi go'i kei mi na steci se cinri le di'u cuntu i pe'i lo bangu kamni ca
zasti i ro prenu poi pagbu le skamymriste cu cmima le kamni i pe'i ri
na ba canci ca le nu le gerna pe la kau,n cu peljybi'o i xu da ca'a
krici le du'u ba le nu peljybi'o kei ro selmri cu se finti bau la lojban
gi'e srana na'ebo la lojban i mi mitce senpi

co'o mi'e xorxes