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Re: loglan rapprochement orthography

> Could someone please post the alternative lojban orthography
> designed to ease rapprochement with tli loglan? (I can't find
> it in the refgrammar papers and my copy got destroyed a couple
> of years ago when a @!%*# sysadmin wiped my lojban archive without
> asking or telling me.)
> coo, mie And

In short: names and ".i" are capitalized, word-final pauses are written
as commas, word-initial pauses are either not marked or are marked by adding
a comma to the previous word, syllabic r l m n are doubled, /x/ is written
as "h", /au/ is written as "ao", apostrophes are replaced by commas
(which need not be written unless ambiguity would result, viz. a,i e,i
o,i a,o always; i,a i,e i,i i,o i,u u,a u,e u,i u,o u,u in UIs, names, and

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.