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Re: PLI: gismu for <lojrfuzi>
> >Also, I don't know if this is any good, maybe you could use selkle,
> >divided into classes. Because, if you say "It hurts like 3 on 10-valued
> >scale", you are not dealing with quants of pain, but much larger units
> I will also mention for Goran's sake that AFAIK there is nothing in the
> definition of quantum that reqwuires a quantum unit to be tiny - what
> matters is that there be no possibility of a value in between discrete
> quanta, and nothing can be in more than one quantum state at the same time.
> Someone will surely correct me if that is an incorrect definition of a
> quantum %^)
.i .u'i ko tcidu lo se gi'uste velski be zo kantu
(Read the gismu dict definition for kantu:)
kantu ka'u quantum
x1 is a quantum/ray/elementary particle/smallest measurable increment
of property/activity x2
7j 9 [quantum ray (= bonka'u)];
(cf. selci for masses and most objects; ratni, gradu, gusni, nejni, linji)
.i mi na djuno .iku'i ba'anai lo kantu na ka'e se fendi
.i mi selsau lo'e kantu be lo'e nejni .e lo'e kantu be lo'e datni .e lo'e
kantu be lo'e canlu joi temci .e nope'ida poi drata
(I dunno, but I, like, remember quantum units to be indivisible.
I know about quantum units of energy, data, and space/time, and
no other, I think.)
co'o mi'e. goran.