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Beginner question: seitu'a lo velrimni je pemci

If I translate correctly:
> .i la refgram. ca selcau lemi briju skami
"The Reference Grammar (refgram) is not on my office computer."
(Alternatively: "My office computer is without the refgram."  cau =
claxu = "without")

> .i la refgram. ca zvati po'o lemi zdani skami
"The refgram is only on (at) my home computer."

> .iku'i lemi skami xelmri ca zvati po'o lemi briju skami
"However, the computer that carries my mail is only my office computer."
(A somewhat literal translation, so beginners like me can follow it
better :-)

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

My question is simple: what influenced your choice of "selcau" in the
first bridi?  Why not just use "claxu" and reverse the arguments?  Was
it a conscious decision or have you just gained sufficient fluency (or
vocabulary) that it just comes naturally?
