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Re: knowledge and belief

>         la sokrates djuno le du'u la djan klama le zarci kei ko'a
>         Socrates knows that John went to the market by epistemology A.
> Does that require me to believe this:
>         le du'u la djan klama le zarci cu jetnu ko'a
>         That John goes to the market is true by epistemology A.
> Or can I believe at the same time that Socrates knows something
> by a given epistemology and not believe that that something is true
> by the same epistemology. It would be funny if I can say that by
> the same epistemology, Socrates knows that John goes to the
> market and Plato knows that John doesn't go to the market.

Perhaps your epistemology is a pair of dice?

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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