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Re: functions (zo'o)
>Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 19:52:51 -0300
>From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jorge_J._Llamb=EDas?=" <jorge@INTERMEDIA.COM.AR>
>Here are some possible translations. I'm sure they could be improved:
I'm not sure I am qualified to improve on Jorge, but some thoughts...
>>> How many times did he beat you ?
> i ko'a do xoroi darxi
This comment actually doesn't apply to this sentence, but to others I've
seen. People have been overly fond of using "ko'a" as a generic
he/she/it. That's NOT what it is. It is a specific he/she/it that only
makes sense *once it's bound*. Someone had something with "Bob went to the
store but Alice didn't know it" (or some such construction) and used "ko'a"
for that "it." Ugh. Here, I presume the ko'a has been bound.
>>> One day our driver fell from the steps.
> i ca lo djedi le mi'a jatna cu farlu fi le serti
Does {ca lo djedi} actually mean anything here? Considering that
{djedi}, as the 24-hour measure of time, is simply how we whack time up
into pieces, EVERYTHING happens on some day or another. This timestamp is
totally meaningless; it's just a direct translation of an English idiom,
>>> He slapped his wife repeatedly.
> i ko'a so'oroi xanda'i le ri speni
>>> Ali kicked the dog repeatedly.
> i la alis so'oroi jmada'i [tikpa] le gerku
I can't help thinking there's an event contour or something just for this;
there's something insufficient about "so'oroi" for "repeatedly" in this
sense. {za'o}? Hrm.
>>> Agus, your clothes are dirty, do not sleep in my bed !
> i doi agus le do se dasni cu toljinsa i ko na vreta le mi ckana
Something with [se]mu'ibo after the .i?