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Re: Knowledge & Belief

la stivn cusku di'e

><la stivn djuno le du'u la xorxes djuno le du'u la lojbab klama le zarci
>kei fo da>
>"Steven knows that Jorge knows that Lojbab goes to the store."
>The above statement is always false, which considerably limits its utility.
>I am asserting that it is not possible to directly know that some else
>knows something.


We really do use "know" differently then.

><la stivn djuno le du'u la xorxes xusra le du'u la lojbab klama le zarci
>kei fo da>
>"Steven knows that Jorge asserts that Lojbab goes to the store."
>This statement might be true, if Jorge has made such an assertion.

But you are the only person that can know that it is true? So {djuno}
can only be used truthfully in the first person? That's not how it has
been used, and that's not how "know" is used in English.

co'o mi'e xorxes