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Re: JimC on Frank's easy text
I agre with Jim's approval of Frank's piece. I disagree with the majority of
his specific comments:
> I anxiously await comments on how authoritative "le cmalu mlatu" is,
>that is, whether it means exactly the same as "le mlatu poi cmalu" (not
>likely), or is a metaphor along the lines of "broken heart", or whether
>you have to kind of guess which cat is referred to.
I interpreted it as "le mlatu poi cmalu". What's the problem?
>> .i le nu le mlatu cu cliva le mi zdani cu se fanta
> Stylistically, it's better to put the main predicate early in the
>sentence, e.g. "fanta fe le nu ... cliva ..." I believe that as
>written this is an observative, but I can't remember what wriggling is
>needed to de-observatize it.
I emphatically reject this comment. I too would tend to put the main selbri
first (just 'fanta lenu ...') but neither Jim nor I has any business
lecturing Frank on stylistics. Lojban stylistics are wide open.
As usage has grown up, the category of observative does not seem to be
significant - the x1 may be elided like any other tergismu. Probably Jim wil
be upset about this.
>> .i lo civla cu bartu le mi zdani
>It looks like we have no gismu for "infest", "infect", or even "habitat".
True for "infest". I don't see the relevance of "infect". Habitat is "se
xabju" (or "na'o se xabju" if necessary). In context, Frank's expression
seems quite adequate.
> I thought you
>asserted that the cats were prevented from living in your house
>(pragmatically implying that they in fact don't live there), while you
>really mean that subsequent discourse (the ten sentences or so about
>cat salad) tells a workaround which prevents the undesired result of
>the cats not living in your house. I'm not sure how to express this
>right in Lojban.
I think you must be misinterpreting "cliva" as 'live'.
>I don't have "rorci" on my list. Closest I can come is jbena = born.
>Maybe my list is old.
Yes, it is:
rorci ror procreate engenders/procreates/begets x2 with
coparent x3; (cf. rirni, se panzi, mamta, patfu, tarbi)
>> .i le mlatu cu to'e nelci le nu vitke le danlu mikce
>A. Who is the guest? Obviously it's the cat, but I would like to see
>rules to govern this interpretation, not vague common sense.
Insofar as there are rules of interpretation, the x1 (which is here the cat)
is the answer. I agree that there are cases which are unsatisfactorily vague:
I don't think this is one of them.
>B. I'm not sure of "guest" as the predicate. "le mlatu cu se mikce le
>danlu mikce" is semantically better, but because it repeats "mikce"
>the sentence is ugly.
I agree mildly. I'm not certain about "vitke" - though the meaning is "is a
guest/visitor of" and it's not obviously wrong. I agree about the form with
"se mikce" - both about its semantic appropriateness, and about its stylistic
> > .i mi bevri le mlatu poi nenri le mlatu bevri tanxe ku'o le danlu mikce
>Probably you want "noi" (supplementary subordinate clause) rather than
>"poi" (restrictive clause). What you actually said was "among the cats,
>pick the one in the box; that's the one I carry."
I agree
>Also, this section I think needs a long scope "habitual" tense, but I've
>lost track of how to say that. Without it, you focus on one or a few
>specific instances.
I disagree. I probably would put in such a tense, but it is one of the tenets
of lojban that tenses etc are optional. It may be that Jim as a reader will
focus on specific instances, but it is not true that that is what the Lojban
text does.
>> .i mi na djica le nu le mlatu cu krici le nu
>> le nu nenri le karce cu nibli le nu vitke le danlu mikce
>This sentence is complicated, but is well constructed, and all parts
>are needed. I think "nibli" is not quite right, being (I think) for
>things like theorems and logic. I would use "zi se balvi" (future) or
>"zi purci" (past), waffling on the causal connection, which cats can't
>comprehend. You can use "zi" (short interval) alone like this, can't
It's putting the "nibli" (logical connection) in the mind of the cat; Jim may
be right that they cannot comprehend that - how does he know? I would tend to
use "se jalge", but "zi se balvi" is good too.
>> .i le mlatu cu catlu fi'o farna pagre [fe'u] le canko
>So that's why you asked that particular question! "fe'u" would go after
>"le canko" because you want the clause to include it, and being terminal,
>"fe'u" could be elided.
I had a feeling the "fe'u should come after, but didn't check.
There's a monkey on my shoulder | Colin Fine
and it's telling me lies | Dept of Computing
Just to stop me ever seeing | University of Bradford
what's in front of my eyes. | Bradford, W. Yorks, England
It tells me what the world is like| BD7 1DP
and how I ought to be, | Tel: 0274 733680 (h), 383915 (w)
And just what's gonna happen | c.j.fine@bradford.ac.uk
if I ever dare be me. | 'Morris dancers do it with bells on'