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Re: indirect Qs (was Re: On logji lojbo discussions)

>  ta vasru ma poi ke`a na go tcati gi ckafi

I think you mean:

    ta vasru ma poi ke'a gonai tcati gi ckafi

{na go} denies the whole bridi, i.e. it denies that the connective
{go} holds.

But is that really what we want to ask? An unhelpful answer like
{lo selpinxe} or {lo glare} would make the bridi true. (Same thing
happens with your other versions.) If you have to rely on a helpful
answer anyway then I don't see why not simply ask:

        ta vasru loi tcati ji loi ckafi

>[NB: by {go} I mean "iff". I may have misremembered this.]

You remembered right.

co'o mi'e xorxes